Thin Value and Bet Sizing

Thin Value and Bet Sizing

I just had an interesting conversation with someone who has been playing poker a long time. He thinks that the biggest mistake he has made in his poker career has been betting too small against the maniac. When I asked him what he had done wrong, he said, “Nothing, I guess, you know, you just …

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The Lottery

A lottery is a form of gambling which is present in USA. It is examine to acquire the prizes in the form of cash or goods by making a selection from the set of numbers. The word ‘lottery’ has been derived from the Italian world “lotto” which means destiny or fate. Gambling is considered to …


Slot Machines – Understanding the Bandit

Slot machines have been around since the 1800s, and were originally installed in casinos and niche-market shops like department stores. Nowadays, slot machines are still around, although larger slot machines are often sold as Courage or King Cash Wrest in casinos worldwide. Bandit slots are by far the most common slot machine type on the …


Are 24/7 Poker Machines a Scam?

Playing poker on an online Poker Machines site is great fun if you can find someone to play with in person. Not everyone can do this, however. A lot of players just prefer playing poker online and this is where an old but relatively new poker machine enters the scene. The reason why this poker …